Grace & Audrey pivoted their businesses to produce masks for healthcare workers
The business planning skills we learned in Girls Crushing It really helped us with everything from organization and timeline to production and inventory management. Our pitch training equipped us with the skills to communicate with customers about our products.

Brianna & Ashley Wong are making an impact by donating to local charities
We decided to donate some of our earnings to No Kid Hungry, and have currently donated over 7,000 meals! We like donating to different organizations because we can help a wider variety of people, and gives us a chance to learn about what each organization does.

Sophie & Christophe
3D-printed and donated medical device accessories
We’re very proud to have received orders from as far away as New Orleans, Louisiana; Anchorage, Alaska; and Venice, Italy. We were invited to record a video for a 7th grade class in Italy to help inspire students to think of ways that they can help during the pandemic.