
Is the registration fee per child or per business?
The registration fee is per child and offsets the cost of our educational programming.
Can my child register if she does not have an existing business?
Yes, but she should arrive at Workshop Day with a well-honed business idea and sample product. Browse our photo galleries to spark ideas.
When calculating my child's profit, should we subtract the cost of registration?
Absolutely not! Unlike a craft fair, Girls Crushing It is an EDUCATIONAL NONPROFIT. Your registration fee helps to offset costs associated with our business workshops. The registration fee should be considered educational enrichment (like a coding camp or theatre class) and should not be considered a business expense. Therefore, the registration fee should NOT be subtracted when your child is calculating profit.
Can my child (or her friend) participate in ONLY the pop-up shop?
No. The purpose of our program is educate girls - equipping them with life-long business and leadership skills. The pop-up shop is a practical opportunity for them to apply the skills they've learned.
Can my son participate?
Yes. While our primary goal is to equip girls with the necessary life skills to overcome systemic gender inequities in the workplace, we welcome any child who feels they can benefit from participating either as a business owner or event staff.
What is provided at the pop-up shop?
Each business will be provided with (1) 4-ft table, (1) table cloth and (1) basic table sign. Businesses with more than one owner or over-sized products may be assigned a longer table.
Does my child have to make the products or can she buy products and resell them?
Our goal is to cultivate critical thinking, perseverance and grit, by ​giving participants the opportunity overcome challenges related to creating, iterating and bringing their own product to market. Therefore, products should be created or designed by the participant. Reselling is not permitted. As an example: designing a logo and printing it onto a mug is permitted, but simply purchasing a mug, marking up the price and reselling it is not permitted.
Can my child sell or give away food at my table?
No. Since this is a public event, food sales are subject to the rules and restrictions of the health department. As such, participants are not allowed to sell or pass out food.
Can my child sell services?
Yes, absolutely. In the past, merchants have offered services such as henna design, face-painting and graphic design and photo booth services.
How are table assignments made? / Will my child's table receive traffic?
Many considerations go into table assignments including timestamp on the registration, diversity of product mix and accommodation of special requests such as proximity to power. Our Ikea-style table layout ensures that all tables receive the same amount of shoppers. Please keep in mind this is not an exact science. Our nonprofit is staffed by 100% volunteers, whose mission is to ensure all children have a wonderful experience. Thank you for understanding.
Is there a designated time for the girls to shop from each other?
Rather than designate a specific time, we encourage girls to take a couple of breaks when they need to stretch their legs. You may want to make a “Back in 15 minutes” sign for your shoppers.
What types of payment can I accept?
Cash, Venmo, Paypal and Square are all acceptable forms of payment.
Will there be food for sale at the event?
Yes, our food trucks will be onsite.